
To: Building Official Cloyd McInturff
From: Housing Inspector Burgundy Redd
Subject: Clementine Bledsoe/Towering Elms Historic Estate

As stated in my report, Towering Elms is significantly hoarded both inside and around the exterior and greenhouse, and while I have concerns about the structural integrity of the main dwelling, I think it more on the side of salvageable than foregone. It’s also arguable that the koi pond is over stocked, but that’s currently tertiary concern at best, and not cause for condemnation in any case.

Unfortunately it has come to my attention that Worley Thornhill, Pinnacle Township Historical Society president, who called in the complaint, has been raising money to buy Towering Elms and has demanded the Estate be condemned specifically to facilitate such a purchase. I am concerned that he intends to leverage his friendship with mayor Dillie Dean to put pressure on our office to expedite that.

As I know your history with both Dillie Dean and Worley Thornhill, I knew you’d want to be informed as soon as possible. It remains my judgement that Clementine Bledsoe and this community would be best served by a gentle approach as per the new guidelines adopted last fall. I have assigned Dovie Mae to act as facilitator with Ms Bledsoe and I have also been in contact with Ruby Waters about managing the situation with neighbors and any family.

Again I want to thank you for your leadership in this department. I am encouraged that that it’s unlikely there will be any repetitions of the Bleva Moody situation.

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